The Professional Cupping Therapy Set consists of 18 plastic cups that come in a variety of sizes, 2 hand pumps, an extension tube, a hard sided plastic carry case, 12 removable magnets and a detailed instruction booklet in English. The areas of the body where cupping is focused on include, but are not limited to, those that are experiencing pain, inflammation, tension, and poor circulation. Cupping therapy is an extremely effective, all-natural approach to healing. The term actually refers to a number of different methods and techniques within its practice, but that all share common theme ... suction. This "negative pressure" is created inside the cups that are placed on certain areas of the body. Cupping can be viewed as the opposite of a massage. Instead of applying pressure down upon the body's muscles, the suction lifts the skin, tissue, and muscles upward. The purpose of the suction is to encourage proper blood flow, relieve pain, remove stagnation, and pull out the toxins that can essentially linger in the body's tissues for years. It's Time to Start Cupping Cupping provides an incredible amount of benefits and often works wonders for patients seeking help for the flu, colds, coughs, back pain, muscle recovery, poor circulation, inflammation, anxiety, allergies, headaches ... really, the list could go on and on ... but its main benefits are that it helps to remove toxins and stimulate the flow of fresh blood and lymph to the affected areas throughout the body. So, what are you waiting for? It's time to start cupping with the Professional Cupping Therapy Set! Free Cups: Satisfaction Guaranteed on your Cupping Therapy Set. Your Cupping set was crafted from high-quality and durable materials, so you can be confident that it will last. However, if you have any problems with your registered cupping set, we will replace that item for free. Professional Cupping Set: This set comes with 18 multi-sized massage cups, 2 hand pumps, an extension tube, a plastic carry case, 12 magnets for magnetic therapy, and a detailed instruction booklet. Plus access to US-based customer support. Cupping Set for Massage Therapy: Your Cupping Therapy Set encourages proper blood flow and lymphatic drainage, helps remove stagnation and eliminate toxins from your soft tissue. Cupping therapy has been proven to provide multiple benefits as a holistic and safe treatment. Benefits and Cellulite Cupping: Your Professional Cupping Set will help to promote relaxation, reduce fatigue, and improve muscle recovery. Cupping Therapy Set can even be used as a cellulite massager for cellulite reduction. Massage Cups: This Cupping Kit contains everything you need to perform cupping therapy easily. Our massage cups are made from Polycarbonate (PC) plastic which is denser and stronger than more commonly used Polystyrene (PS) plastic. The Cupping Set is perfect for professional therapists, clinicians and those who just want to use it in the comfort of their own homes.